2011 Sponsorship Festival Backgrounder
For more information, contact us by email [email protected] or phone 416-934-5839.
Reach over a quarter of a million Festival attendees through a customized sponsorship of the Toronto International Film Festival!
The Toronto International Film Festival approaches sponsorships as true partnerships, designed to meet the needs of the client, the Festival and its attendees. Your association with the Festival will provide your company with access to a very valuable public and/or industry audience.
- Entertain large groups at Roy Thomson Hall one of the Festivals premier Red Carpet Gala Venues and enjoy reserved seating for you and your guests.
- Host clients and employees at screenings and events throughout the Festival.

- Increase your profile by sponsoring a Festival Award, Event or Programme.
- Receive logo or wordmark recognition on some of the Festival’s most visible print publications and marketing materials.

- Reach a highly desirable demographic of trend-setting, influential Festival-goers with targeted sampling opportunities.
Promotional Rights
- Execute a six to eight week Festival related consumer/sales/trade promotion in the marketplace that creates brand excitement and drives your marketing objectives.

- Promote your brand by advertising in some of the Festival’s key publications such as the Programme Book and the Official Film Schedule.