About 200 news organizations recently reported that Japan has now issued arrest warrants for at least three of the crew members on the Antarctic Campaign featured in At the Edge of the World. One of the articles, from the BBC, raised the question "Will three anti-whaling activists from the UK and US end up standing trial in Tokyo?" and also included an ominous comment: "Unconfirmed reports here say Japan's National Police Agency has now approached Interpol and asked them to place the men on their 'wanted' list."
In a Time interview published today, Tom Wolfe offers an observation relevant to these Sea Shepherd folks (and to Robert King and Kiran Bedi, among others profiled in the RTR), whether or not you agree with their priorities. "I've often been asked to speak in business meetings about The Right Stuff," he says. "I always ask them, How many people in your organization have died in the last 10 years? The Right Stuff is about people who make it their profession to risk their lives."