Midnight Madness Blog

- 2008
- 2007

I'm taking a break from the usual Q&A & intro posting tonight to respond to something I saw online:


Last night I was hanging out with practically the entire cast and crew after the world premiere of Deadgirl. Me and dozens of other "cinephiles, working stiffs, the common folk".

At the premiere of Detroit Metal City: Dozens of fans were ON THE RED CARPET with the star and director. And we all sat in the reserved section. 

A couple of eager young filmmakers were out trying to drum up interest in a werewolf project they were working on. Colin sent me and another audience blogger over to interview them. Shortly thereafter, Marcel Sarmiento, one of the directors of Deadgirl, personally handed both of them tickets to the screening.

I suggest that anyone who thinks that TIFF has lost its way attend a couple of midnight madness screenings. Midnight madness shows that TIFF is, at its heart, truly still a people's festival.

Don't worry, the sleep deprivation jokes, intros, and Q&As will be back tommorow. But this mechanical engineer from Richmond, Virginia couldn't let an attack on his favorite festival go unanswered.


Couldn't agree with you more Sanjay,

Anyone who thinks the festival has gone all corporate and cash grabbing and that the fest has lost its appeal to common folk clearly hasn't been to any of the Midnight Madness events.

They are as fun as ever, and everyone is really laid back and cool...it's all about having fun.
Directors and cast come out after a film, and are genuinely interested to hear what fans thought of the film, and pose for photos and sign autographs for everyone, and I haven't heard anyone in line with any ticket horror stories.

And as for the TIFF volunteers, I am unsure about the story in the article you posted. However I have found the staff at the Ryerson INCREDIBLE helpful and very polite.
Any time I have had a question, or have seen others ask something they given them an answer immediately, or have ran and got someone else who knows.
A tip of my hat to the fine volunteers at the Ryerson.
Comment By GORE At 07/09/2021 5:20 AM
For those not native to Toronto, the Sun has something of a reputation to be, how can I put this tactfully, not quite of the highest standards of journalism.

Their use of inflammatory and sensationalist language in their headlines and many of their articles in an effort to increase pickups for their rag is the stuff of local legend.
Comment By Sachin Hingoo At 07/09/2021 1:34 PM
It should also be noted that the theatre volunteers at any of the 'Gala' venues - The Elgin, Roy Thompson, and Ryerson have some of the hardest jobs of any volunteer at the fest. They are charged with managing some of the biggest personalities from Hollywood, locally, and around the world and they do so with a smile every time. To hear Kirkland rail against a hapless volunteer is repulsive.
Comment By Sachin Hingoo At 07/09/2021 1:37 PM
Dude, this reporter has a pass that he can exchange for tickets on the same day at the venue?

I've NEVER had a pass. I've fucking stood in line for hours to get tickets to some of these films - and if I don't have advance tickets then I stand in the RUSH LINE hoping to get in, not at some white ticket tent.

Sounds like he's upset because he isn't getting the privileged treatment he thinks he deserves as a festival pass holder. Well, I suggest he try actually buying a regular ticket some night and see how this festival works for the rest of us.
Comment By DaveBOTN At 07/09/2021 5:46 PM
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